4 Ways to Add Electrolytes to Drinking Water for Max Rehydration - Water Wisdom - Mayu Water Blog

4 Ways to Add Electrolytes to Drinking Water for Max Rehydration

Feeling parched and sluggish? Ditch the sugary drinks and try these four refreshing ways to add electrolytes to your water for a rehydration boost

Kelli Harris - Writer for Mayu Water
By Kelli Harris
a man in a white shirt is posing for a picture
Edited by Jovan Mijailović

Updated May 14, 2024.

A determined woman holding a bottle with electrolyte-infused water and wiping sweat off her forehead on a racing track

Feeling drained and sluggish? Plain water might not be enough to combat dehydration, especially after exercise or in hot weather. Electrolytes, essential minerals lost through sweat, play a crucial role in hydration.

These minerals aren't just for athletes or hangover cures—they're essential for everyday health. They help regulate fluid balance, muscle contractions, and blood pressure. That's why we'll delve into the best ways to add electrolytes to your water for optimal hydration.

4 Ways to Add Electrolytes to Drinking Water

  1. Electrolyte drops
  2. Sea salt
  3. Ginger
  4. Watermelon

Benefits of Adding Electrolytes to Drinking Water

Common electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium play diverse roles in our bodily functions, such as:

  • Balancing blood pH levels
  • Increasing nerve, muscle, heart, and brain functionality
  • Rebuilding damaged tissue
  • Regulating blood pressure

While sports drinks frequently include these essential minerals to enhance your athletic performance, you can naturally boost your water with vital electrolytes and get the same benefits.

» Find out what our experts say about the healthiest water to drink

1. Electrolyte Drops

a glass of water being poured into a glass with Electrolyte Drops

Electrolyte drops conveniently add essential electrolytes like magnesium, potassium, and calcium to your water. They'll boost your hydration and energy throughout the day. They also absorb quickly. And, unlike bottled electrolyte drinks, they don't have added sugars or flavorings, making them a healthier option.

MAYU Minerals | Electrolyte Drops contain only natural ingredients—magnesium, zinc, potassium, chloride, and 75+ organic ionic trace minerals. They provide all the electrolytes you need with no artificial sweeteners.

a bottle of electrolytes supplement next to a cardboard box

MAYU Minerals | Electrolyte Drops

Step up your hydration


Save 20% with monthly deliveries


1 fl. oz/30ml



MAYU Minerals Essential Drops are highly concentrated, remineralizing a liter of water with only eight drops. They have a wide range of electrolytes, such as magnesium, sodium, and 72 other organic ionic trace ones.

MAYU Minerals Essential Drops are ionic, which means your body can quickly absorb them. They provide an effective way to add electrolytes to water for maximum rehydration and preserve its natural taste and odor.

No artificial sweeteners

Remineralizes RO, distilled, and spring water

Suitable for on-the-go use

Not essential for all RO systems

No flavors

2. Sea Salt

A salt shaker spilled over on a table.

Table salt—sodium chloride—is a crucial electrolyte lost through sweat. The FDA recommends a daily intake of 2300 mg, or about one teaspoon. To increase electrolyte levels, you should add only a pinch to your water.

There are several types you can add to your water to boost its electrolyte content, such as:

Himalayan Pink Salt

This Himalayan salt has a pink hue from trace minerals like iron oxide. While research is limited to its specific health benefits, it's often promoted for its mineral content. But, the amount of minerals is very small and likely not significant enough to provide any major health benefits.

Sea Salt

Sea salt consists of evaporated seawater and contains magnesium, potassium, and calcium. These minerals may contribute to some health benefits, but more research is needed.

Flaky Salt

Flaky salt has large, pyramid-shaped crystals that are prized for their delicate, flaky texture and mild flavor. It dissolves slowly, helping you control the intensity of the taste in each sip. They're a great finishing touch for drinks.

Black Salt

Kala Namak is volcanic black rock salt found in the areas surrounding the Himalayas and parts of Northern India. Its unique savory, sulfurous flavor can add a complex, almost "eggy" quality to your drink.

Traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine, it's said to aid digestion by stimulating bile production in the liver. This can help with bloating and discomfort.

Research also suggests that it has an irregular shape and lower sodium content compared to its regular table and pink Himalayan counterparts. Plus, it has beneficial minerals like iron, calcium, and magnesium. These findings suggest it might be a superior alternative to consider.


  • Affordable
  • Boosts electrolytes quickly
  • Has various minerals


  • Taste may not be suitable for everyone
  • Excessive use may lead to high blood pressure

3. Ginger

A closeup of a piece of ginger laying on a table.

Ginger is a delicious spice and a natural source of electrolytes. Beyond its familiar flavor, ginger contains calcium and magnesium, essential minerals that help your body function optimally.

Additionally, it packs a punch of Vitamin C, supporting gut health and potentially aiding in reducing inflammation and pain relief.

Making a refreshing and electrolyte-rich beverage with ginger is simple. Crush or slice a ginger root and add it to water. Prefer a more intense ginger flavor? Let it steep in hot water for a few minutes, or leave it overnight.


  • Has antioxidants
  • Relieves nausea
  • Soothes the digestive system


  • Requires additional preparation
  • The taste may not be appealing to everyone

4. Watermelon

A bowl filled with electrolyte boosting watermelons next to a couple of forks.

While 95% of watermelon is water, it's surprisingly rich in electrolytes like potassium (170mg/cup), magnesium (15.2mg/cup), and trace amounts of calcium. It also contains L-citrulline, an amino acid that boosts oxygen intake.


  • Rich in antioxidants and vitamins
  • Refreshing, pleasant taste
  • Increases oxygen intake through L-citrulline


  • Requires preparation
  • Fewer electrolytes compared to other alternatives

Hydrate Naturally and Boost Your Health

While plain water is vital in hydration, electrolytes are crucial for optimal health and well-being. These minerals are essential for various bodily processes, from regulating muscle function to balancing blood pressure.

Fortunately, numerous natural alternatives exist beyond sugary sports drinks to enhance your water with electrolytes—experiment with adding a pinch of sea salt, incorporating slices of ginger, or enjoying refreshing watermelon.

If you prefer a convenient solution, consider using Mayu electrolyte drops for an on-the-go boost. Remember, hydrating properly with electrolytes is critical to maintaining a healthy and energetic lifestyle.